Fight For Your FairyTale

The title for this post was inspired by a random meme I saw while scrolling on Instagram. Recently I made some life-changing decisions. This shift and flux created some turbulence, some of which I wasn’t even consciously aware of until a couple of things threw me off balance. What those triggers are is irrelevant, but I was triggered. I immediately felt it, addressed it, but then it reappeared, and a few days later, there are remnants, but it was a glaring reminder that I am the one who is always choosing my preferred version of reality, focused on making my fairytale come true.

Fight For Your Fairytale

Seeing this quote had me reflect on the wonderful places my imagination likes to take me - being a singer in a rock & roll band, earning tons of money, traveling for pleasure, being an Academy Award Winning Screenwriter, finding the love of my life, eating good food and having amazing sex. The mind wanders in many directions and all these desires so worthy of being fully manifested and actualized.

Recently, for a couple of days, I took a short detour from the life of my dreams and took an awkward amble down self-sabotage lane— with my thoughts. As a result of these triggers, there were 3 thoughts that started to take shape and they were quite similar to thoughts I had prior to discovering Law of Assumption. So when I wrangled them in, it was familiar territory. Admittedly, I was happily frustrated. Why?

  1. I caught the triggered thoughts before they drove further down a bad road. So I was proud of myself- even though I have been coaching others for a while, taking responsibility for our energy is never-ending and we all must remain vigilant!

  2. I couldn’t believe that after all of this work, I still had some lack beliefs that needed addressing. Why am I persisting a bit still- is there something old to address or has something new appeared?

Before I dig in any further here, I suggest reading and doing the exercises in my free ebook, 7 Day Mindset Reset. A week’s worth of simple exercises that will have you more deeply connecting with yourself.

To work through this and get back to the business of focusing on what I desire, I took this time to dissect the thoughts, as they were recurring enough for a couple of days. When they would come up, I looked for a theme- I reviewed the notes in my journal about goals, dreams, desired outcomes, etc. Where in my thinking are wires getting crossed? I looked at my notes in my journal about my self-concept statements and ended up adding a few more that felt like they resonated with the undercurrent of the trigger I was experiencing. Next, I tweaked a couple of my affirmations so if the triggers should come up again, I am prepared. More importantly, I reconnected with how I do want to feel in this scenario, with all of my desired outcomes, and allowed myself to connect to that state and feeling as if it is already real. This is how you fight for your fairytale - finding the tools and mechanisms to help you realign your mindset to claim what is yours.

Fight for your fairytale and win

  1. You are always taking responsibility for your energy. But how are you choosing to take responsibility? Choose One: victim or victor.

  2. When you do have triggers, don’t fear. It is a good time to review your journal. This is why the exercises found in my free ebook, 7 Day Mindset Reset will help you get clear on who you are, what’s important to you, and tips on how to manage your mindset. These are easy exercises that can be used in all facets of your life.

  3. Spend time each day connecting with what you write in your journal- create affirmations, read your journal, be mindful of your mental diet and who and what you give access to take up space in your brain.

  4. Say your affirmations throughout the day to continue to affirm what you want more of in your life. Spend time reviewing your journal upon waking and before sleep. This is your book, your truth.

  5. Ready to focus on and Fight For Your Fairytale? Get the free ebook to reset your mindset.


Baby, Come Back


Rise and Shine, Campers. It’s Groundhog Day.