Sing a Song
Further, I don’t have to be perfect. I can be anything, everything or nothing at all. And it all started with my self-concept. In fact, now that I am more clear about who I am and what’s important for me, I started to show up better for myself and others. I became more focused on the win for me and in knowing my self-concept that means it is a win for everyone when I can be me-iest me!
It’s Time To Trust Your Vibes
In that moment of clairaudience and hearing REO Speedwagon’s “Time for me to Fly” it helped me see this situation as an opportunity for growth and reflection on how far I have come, and carrying emotional and psychological baggage only weighs me down. When my most important job here on earth is to transcend…. to fly.
You’re a Shining Star
Astrological forecasts and astrology readings are another useful tool/guide for taking ownership of your energy and stepping into your greatness. After all, we, too, are of the stars.
The Legendary Liora
The content contained in this blog post is the content from noted TwinFlames coach, Liora and her website,
All of the content in this post is the property of Liora, Angelic Messenger, Spiritual Teacher and TwinFlames Guide.
I’m Starting With Me
Get clear on your self-concept. Persist in that state of your desires fulfilled. Follow your bliss! Maintain that vibration of owning your chit, radical self-acceptance, compassion for other living beings, treading lightly on our planet and leaving it better than we found it. And it all starts with you… the person in the mirror.
But life is for learning
In the Summer of 2018, I would’ve given a kidney and even sold my soul to get my hands on Liora’s Twin Flames Sacred Keys teachings. And in a way, I did. I had to give up so much of who I was so I could step into who I am here to be. It was then, when more of this integration happened, did I stumble upon Liora’s Sacred Keys. It appears one of her past student’s formatted her teachings and they are now available on Amazon for you.
…In Perfect Harmony
I’d like to teach the world to sing…. I love how that famous Coca Cola commercial was the fade out of the television series Madmen. What a symbolic way of illustrating a character’s cycle of decadence and self-destruction, only to find himself in 7 seasons of self-discovery, and ultimately, self-acceptance and wholeness.
My Fake TwinFlame Journey
New Years Day 2017, I met a person who would further catapult me into this beautiful agony of self-discovery and self-love. I will spare you the gory details until it is a movie, but I believed this person was my #TwinFlame