I’m Starting With Me

“I'm gonna make a change for once in my life. It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference. Gonna make it right…”

Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror is a very powerful song. I don’t know about you, but there have been numerous times in my life that I have been inspired by the message of these lyrics only to take a temporary detour into some sort of abyss brought on by bad choices, unhealthy relationship dynamics, and caught up in the spokes of my attachment style. And then re-surface to become re-inspired only to fall off my wagon again, and motor down the road a ways until I snap to… again. The ultimate cycle of being self-aware and not so much.

Most of these cycles were brought on by my romantic relationships and the mother of all triggers, My Fake Twinflame journey, It took a few decades from my first boyfriend until I met My Fake TwinFlame when I finally stopped to take a long hard look at myself and what the eff I was doing in my relationships. The fake TwinFlame was a true catalyst for my “healing” and that catalyst pretty much smashed how I viewed myself, others and reality. In hindsight, it began to clear a path, and deepen the connection with my higher consciousness, and it paved the way in preparation for my most significant relationship on record- perhaps my real TwinFlame?

So unless you’ve been living under a rock and devoid of the internet, the topic of TwinFlames is rampaging through social media and many online communities, and then some. I don’t want to get too deeply into here, but highly recommend checking out my section about Liora, one of the OGs of Modern Twin Flames coaches. Here is a link to her YouTube video explaining TwinFlames . When I step back and look at what I currently align with, her content resonates with me about the truth of Divine Creation and this kind of soul connection because, well, I’m living it.

I can recall supernatural experiences throughout most of my life. They seemed fairly normal and something we openly discussed in our family (check out my Ouija board post here) and I felt comfortable speaking about experiences. I never needed a tarot deck, I just knew stuff like inherent knowledge about things, events, and people, and didn’t know why I knew. How curious is it that my first major job was working in the business office for a national psychic reading service?! And it all seemed so normal to me.

Then, true to my form, I met my ex-husband and really lost myself over the course of a 12 year relationship. My soul was suffocating. Everything about that relationship was not me. And it isn’t totally his fault- it was the reaction of our energies when they came together and often collided. I had some great experiences in between the insanity of that relationship. It ended as it needed to and I wish it was a softer landing than it was. And 10+ years later, I can still be slightly triggered by that relationship, mostly feelings of inadequacy, and the trauma armor accumulated from being mentally and emotionally belittled. While it was supportive in some ways, it was his relationship and the way he wanted things. And in turn, I could say it was how my energy wanted it, too.

My latest spiritual glow up that brought upon my Fake TwinFlame was sparked by the awareness of the exact moment of my Father’s death- (5:07am according to the cable TV box)- even though he was in an elder care facility 3 miles away- his energy visited me around the time of his death. In fact, it woke me up as it bounced around my house and then exited out a window. And it was confirmed when my sister called a few minutes later to inform me she received the call from the nurse of his passing- at 5:07am according to his monitor.

The Fake TwinFlame triggered a wound in me that took nearly 3 years to fully expose and “heal”. That led me to the information that helped me learn more about the raw power of my subconsciousness and the unity that is truly happening within our collective consciousness. And I’m here to tell you… we are interconnected energy, y’all.

From where I sit now, I am grateful for my past romantic relationships and encounters as I can see how I showed up and why. And it’s not about a man or a relationship, it is about valuing myself. In terms of Universal Laws, New Age thought and Philosophy, subject matter like law of assumption, law of attraction, manifesting, and magnetizing TwinFlames, (I am going to put it in all caps so you don’t forget) IT ALWAYS COMES DOWN TO ONE THING, SELF-CONCEPT! If you think you are shit. You will get shit. If you think you are worthy of all you desire. You will be living your desired life. This is the importance of Starting With YOU!

According to the quiz on Cassady Cayne’s website, I am in the frequency of Love. Life gets to me sometimes. It is part of the human experience. But I stay focused on remaining true to my vision, my mission, my values, my self-concept.

I have taken my experiences of doing the work to get to this current space along the personal ascension process and put it in an eBook for you. Head over to the Get Started Page and download the 7 Day Mindset Reset. It is Free. No email or anything necessary. Just be 18 years or older. It is 7 days of succinct learning and exercises to help you connect with all that is important to you. I have taken what has served me well from a near decade of self-discovery and research, coaches, you tube videos, and eBooks…….you name it, and I’ve condensed it all into a self-guided workshop. This Mindset Reset will help you:

  • Get clear on your self-concept.

  • Persist in that state of your desires fulfilled.

  • Follow your bliss!

  • Maintain that vibration of owning your chit, radical self-acceptance, compassion for other living beings, treading lightly on our planet and leaving it better than we found it.

And it all starts with you… the person in the mirror.


The Legendary Liora


But life is for learning